If you are obsessed with #Kata #Bunkai like me, this short article and video will give you ideas about getting closer to practical Bunkai.
We all know the meaning of kata “bunkai”, and how important it is to understand the application of each move we do in a kata. Bunkai is the key to understanding karate, and making it efficient in a real aggression.
We usually learn and see multiple interpretations of each kata move. But is there a better way of approaching kata bunkai than a move per move study?
It is very likely that each kata originally was designed with each move hiding a unique and specific bunkai.
It is also very likely that a Sensei creating a kata would do so, with the idea that, all its bunkai should be inter-dependant to allow the practice of the entire kata bunkai from beginning to end. We would then get closer to understanding what the Sensei who created the kata had in mind.
This is obviously a very difficult task, as katas have been modified through the years, making it harder to find the original intended bunkai by its creator. But I hope this will give you some food for thoughts next time you are trying to figure out what a kata move is for!
Attached is a video from Hanshi Yoshio Kuba from Kenpokai Goju-Ryu #Karate in Okinawa-Japan. He is a direct student of Seikichi Toguchi Sensei, and he goes through part of the Kata #Seipai. (It is unfortunately not translated in English, but you can still learn a tone by simply watching).
Enjoy - Happy practice!
Toronto, Sensei Alpha - KarateBoost blog